The Malaysian Dietary Supplement Association was formed by a small group of concerned dietary supplement companies to discuss the issues that were facing the industry during the Pan Pharmaceutical era.
These are the aims and objectives of the Association:
- To improve public heath by providing quality products, services and factual information.
- To develop, promote and increase awareness of the safety and benefits of complementary healthcare products when used in an appropriate and responsible manner.
- To establish and develop a professional image of the health supplement industry in Malaysia.
- To establish, develop and maintain the health supplement industry as a legitimate part of the mainstream health care.
- To promote, support, develop, maintain and protect the interests of the health supplements industry in Malaysia.
- To support, develop, maintain, protect and facilitate the transaction of business in the health supplements trade.
- To assure a suitable regulatory regime in Malaysia for healthcare supplements.
- To upload and continue to self regulate the health supplement industry in a responsible, reliable and trustworthy manner.
- To represent its members to the government on issues, laws and regulations regarding the health supplement industry.
- To operate as the central body for its members in dealing with the mass media on publicity issues concerning the health supplements industry.